Myum SAS
16 rue Linné - 75005 Paris - France
Hello (at)
SIREN number 798-836-730
TVA number FR 72 798836730
This site is published and disseminated by the company Myum SAS
in capital of € 28,000.
Director of publication: FAUSTINE DURAND
Myum is a brand registered with the INPI. The entirety
of the site is the exclusive property of Myum.
No reproduction or representation can have
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Myum reserves the right to modify, to any
Moment and without notice, the content of the pages of the site.
This site has been declared to the
National Commission for CNIL Informatics and Liberties.
Deposit n ° 1734158, deposited on 01/13/2014.
The nominative data recorded on this site will be
stored and used in accordance with the law of January 6
1978 relating to data processing and freedoms.
Users of this site have a right of access,
rectification and deletion of data concerning them,
that they can exercise with our customer service.
Myum customer service 16, rue Linné 75005 Paris.
Contact: eshop (a)
Site development:
Nicolas Perpette
Digitalup Ltd